University of Central Punjab Journal of Law and Legal Education (UCP-JLLE) fundamentally focuses on promotion of constant dialogue and academic research. It is devoted to solicit and publish views of legal academics and professionals on the contemporary legal matters. The intent is to provide a platform for serving as a paramount forum for contemplative and scholastic engagement in the wide range of multiple issues of law and legal education.
About this journal:
UCP journal of law and legal education (UCP-JLLE) substantially aims to promote constant academic dialogue and research among the legal fellowship about the Laws and Legal Education. It has two main sections. The first one deals with divergent laws and the judgment reviews etc.
The second part deals with the contemporary methodology of experiential and clinical legal education. And how this methodology is adding to the pedagogy of law overall.
Journal description:
The University of Central Punjab Journal of Law and Legal Education (UCP-JLLE) is a publication of the University of Central Punjab (UCP). The University is a part of the Punjab Group of Colleges, the largest group of colleges in Pakistan. The UCP was chartered by Government of the Punjab in 2002 and recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
LLB (Hons) Faculty of Law (FoL) in the year 2017 under the supervision of Dr. Hadia Awan, the first Dean, along with a zealous Team. FoL has the pride of introducing formally, the experiential and clinical method of law teaching in Pakistan. The UCP-JLLE as reflection of the teaching methodology provides an opportunity to the academics to share and discuss their experiences with their colleagues across the world. It is the first ever Law Journal in Pakistan of its kind covering not only issues of laws but also of how the legal education is taking shape and how it ought to be.